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GTA 6: rumored location and release date leaked plot details - South Africa

GTA V was a success by Rockstar Games Photo credit: Youtube / Rockstar The Grand Theft Auto series is no stranger to recycle their locati...

GTA 6: Rumoured location, release date and plot details leaked
GTA V was a success by Rockstar Games

Photo credit: Youtube / Rockstar

The Grand Theft Auto series is no stranger to recycle their location with great effect. remastered map of San Andreas GTA V was nothing short of perfection. Now it seems another blast from the past is the way forward for GTA 6 be.

The franchise has become a great success in the past 20 years, developers Rockstar are now reaping the benefits of the online multiplayer features in GTA V. However, Santos is employed not last forever keep players. ..

Where GTA 6 pack?

After YouTuber " knowledge " - they have a good record in their forecasts for the development of the game - set to take GTA IV Vice City. As home to the fourth largest rate of Grand Theft Auto.

Vice City is an imitation of Miami. When it was launched 16 years ago, the game will receive praise and accolades for its value in 1980, the soundtrack incredibly nostalgic and an exciting story that was a run for their money Scarface.

When it is released in June GTA?

The guys at Rockstar are very busy people. That's what happens when you press almost every game are carried out outside the park (although we are not talking Smuggler hall). Before selling GTA 6, they must ensure that your recovery Red Dead Redemption is in course .

The source of knowledge indicates that in 2021 published the first game of the next GTA. It is also likely that in 2022 a release date "realistic" to be.

It would be for 20 years as Vice City was actually published. I remember playing and VC "The 1980s, which has long had" thought?

So this: There was only 16 between Vice City release date and year when I stood These four years younger than the time it takes in the back Miami iconic backdrop Although connected ..!

What will happen in GTA 6?

Knowledge is reportedly reliable source said that the development works under the code name "Project for the Americas. Why the secret continent of inspiration? Well, that's because you seem to be able to take missions in South America.

It is very convenient, it is not, right? If 6 GTA Vice City is to restart, he must have full drug trafficking through the barrel. Play as Tommy Vercetti in his time built his empire on a mountain of cocaine and fully against machismo.

If we seem to put two and two, as Rockstar intends to regions such as Colombia, and exploit its turbulent history with the drugs and the crime .



GTA 6 News
GTA 6 NEWS: GTA 6: rumored location and release date leaked plot details - South Africa
GTA 6: rumored location and release date leaked plot details - South Africa
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