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GTA 6: Does anyone keep this ridiculous rumor about it? Around. - turning back

A new rumor related to Young Dolph's song "Blac Loccs" suggests a trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 could be released in Marc...

A new rumor related to Young Dolph's song "Blac Loccs" suggests a trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 could be released in March 2020, but this latest rumor is just another desperate dream fans of Rockstar Games have prepared request a new GTA ?

Over the weekend , Reddit user Lissenhereyadonkey traveled to the fan-run GTA 6 subreddit to release an unconfirmed rumor about the game's alleged progress that an advance could be launched next month.

"A person I trust is involved in the license waiver for music used in films, and sometimes video game trailers this afternoon informed me that their company would need a rap song called by rapper Black Locks. Young Dolph for rock star games. "After reading. "As far as I know, only the instruments are used. As far as she knows, the company contacted them less than a month before the trailer came out, so I can imagine that we will finally see the new game." .? "

If that's true, this person is basically saying that Rockstar Games allowed the instrumental track on Young Dolph's "Black Loccs" track to play a lead, but there's nothing special that connects him to GTA 6 other than that 'Author's hypothesis Usually this occurs only a few weeks before the planned release of an advance.

Here is the full track with instrumental and lyrics:

Reverse analysis

This leak is very unlikely to be applied to Grand Theft Auto 6 even if the game is already in production. Several editors have noted in the comments that nothing on this track is definitely screaming that a new game will be unveiled. While the track certainly adapts better to the environment of the Grand Theft Auto series than any other Rockstar creation, there is no reason to believe that it will be used for a GTA 6 revelation. The much more likely explanation is that it will be played in a new trailer for Grand Theft Auto Online .

Significant new content updates arrive in GTA Online every few months, so Rockstar is likely to be preparing to publish and publish this content. Although it is very likely that he was given permission to use "Blac Loccs", he would not expect the track to be used in a preview of GTA 6 ; instead, it is more likely to appear in the next official preview of new GTA Online content .

Red Dead Redemption 2 was only released in October 2016, more than three years after the launch of Grand Theft Auto V V.GTA continues to sell incredibly well . So we probably have a year or two left for Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive to be confident of showing their next game, unless Rockstar sees drastic changes in its release schedule after Dan leaves. Houser.

Whenever the inevitable Grand Theft Auto is unveiled, it will likely come at a time when next-generation consoles are in full swing and all Rockstar teams have more time to work on their next project.



GTA 6 News
GTA 6 NEWS: GTA 6: Does anyone keep this ridiculous rumor about it? Around. - turning back
GTA 6: Does anyone keep this ridiculous rumor about it? Around. - turning back
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