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GTA 6: Can a very different playable character of our way - South Africa

Credit: Rockstar Games While we wait a few years for the next new installment of the Grand Theft Auto series that begin to filter already ...

GTA 6: There could be a very different playable character coming our way

Credit: Rockstar Games

While we wait a few years for the next new installment of the Grand Theft Auto series that begin to filter already compared to 6 AWG information.

We report the last week regarded as the sixth version of the game was a familiar place for the next shot back. But you can only stop before Rockstar Games say are in your comfort - zone when Maxim believes

GTA old characters

Now GTA has had its fair share of great personalities in recent years. Think of Tommy Vercetti and Hawaiian shirts. Or Carl Johnson and his stolen jet pack. Who could forget Claude, or Franklin, or the bat-shit crazy Trevor?

All these guys were incredible and gave us some of our best memories of childhood. (Unfortunately, Niko Bellic, but the novel is not only cease to call . It was unbearable.) But not too much feeling like someone grill boerewors?

I can play like GTA 6?

Rockstar is believed to make the historic decision to include a female playable character for the first time in 20 years.

The information comes from Saber YouTube - Channel . You have to predict a story of their links with industry in the development of other upcoming games. After his source inside GTA will run six female players.

Why does GTA 6 a playable female character?

It would be his car a big step in a progressive direction of Grand Theft. The women have hardly been shown in a flattering way in the history of the game.

They were either desperate, almost psychopath or simply used as sex symbols in the GTA universe. a female character who actually could control and do some pretty bad ass missions would be very good.

For now, we await the official confirmation from Rockstar. But if knowledge the information is correct then 6 GTA monitor their promises really players a whole new experience.



GTA 6 News
GTA 6 NEWS: GTA 6: Can a very different playable character of our way - South Africa
GTA 6: Can a very different playable character of our way - South Africa
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