free website stats program 6 Release Date GTA - Grand Theft Auto 6 when? - The Sun - GTA 6 NEWS 6 Release Date GTA - Grand Theft Auto 6 when? - The Sun | MagOne 2016

6 Release Date GTA - Grand Theft Auto 6 when? - The Sun

There is no doubt - a new Grand Theft Auto game coming, and it will likely be impressive. We gathered the latest rumors release date of GT...

There is no doubt - a new Grand Theft Auto game coming, and it will likely be impressive.

We gathered the latest rumors release date of GTA 6, news, leaks and more, then an impending read on for Definitive Guide great success of Rockstar.

The first Grand Theft Auto game debuted in 1997


The first Grand Theft Auto game debuted in 1997

6 Release Date GTA - Grand Theft Auto 6 when?

At this time, Rockstar is working flat in Red Dead Redemption 2, which is to begin in the first half of the 2018th

However, the company has already confirmed that the development of the upcoming game Grand Theft Auto starts.

The problem is that it takes years to build a big game like Grand Theft Auto, GTA and 6 is likely to be even greater.

Rockstar says a future GTA all the sites of Grand Theft Auto precedent in the city could connect


Rockstar says a future GTA all the sites of Grand Theft Auto precedent in the city could connect

There was a time that the GTA games come only every few years, but the gap between 2004 GTA San Andreas and GTA 4 2008 changed everything.

Then the fans had to wait even longer GTA for 2013, 5 which landed in 2015 on the PC as a new introduction.

A rough schedule of five years means that we could expect to see GTA 5 this year, but it is very unlikely.

Some fans asked Rockstar GTA female making 6 lead

AFP - Getty

Some fans asked Rockstar GTA female making 6 lead

What's more likely that we see a teaser for the game at the annual E3 games conference in Los Angeles - the place takes place every year in June - either this year or next.

GTA 5 was announced at the end of 2011, but the game is not really on sale until 2013.

So if the rumors of a GTA release date in 2020 are true in June, then he should see the first rays of the game very soon.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know that Rockstar is working until an official announcement is made.

We do not know the place for GTA 6, but London and Tokyo, the two discussed


We do not know the place for GTA 6, but London and Tokyo, the two discussed
Watch Pirates play by a UFO hidden secret mission in Grand Theft Auto V

GTA 6 news, rumors and leaks Game

Grand Theft Auto is installed open-world action-serious crime with happiness in his role-playing adventure, and also receives from the fans.

And according to the president of the studio Rockstar Leslie Benzies, there is no shortage of ideas.

"We have over 45 years worth of ideas we want to do. We do not know what GTA 6 will be, but we have some ideas. "

The most recent game was GTA GTA V published in 2013


The most recent game was GTA GTA V published in 2013

Speaking of digital trends showed Benzies they want to create a GTA game in which the player of old cities of Grand Theft explore a land of car.

"Of course, at some point we would have a big world with all our cities and allow the players to fly and rethink your favorite areas.

"In this context, the Vice City reimaging would be very interesting. "

A separate report said device blog Tokyo TechRadar Rockstar "visited their potential for a full game GTA to evaluate, but eventually pulled the plug on the idea. "

Cards Grand Theft Auto are more and more that people expect 6 GTA, the largest yet to be


Cards Grand Theft Auto are more and more that people expect 6 GTA, the largest yet to be

Some say that Rockstar should return to its roots LONDON - UK one Get Set GTA 1999 study in the capital started, but GTA 6 according to the same scenario is unlikely.

In an interview with The Guardian, writers GTA 5 Dan Houser said: "I think for us, my first impression, GTA London was cool at the moment, but the games were then limited.

"These days, I think we would like to establish a game in the UK, in London, whatever, but I do not know if it was a GTA game. "

"I think there are many great stories that we show across the UK could say large environments gameplay, might have a preference for British -. I do not think it would necessarily GTA "

We might discover new details about GTA 6 and in June this year


We might discover new details about GTA 6 and in June this year

Many fans also called for the introduction of playable female character, it would be the first time the main entrances to the Grand Theft Auto series.

Grand Theft Auto 5 has three playable characters, but they were all men.

but could introduce Houser says GTA finally 6 a female character by the player controlled.

"In the future we could make a game with a female protagonist? For sure. We just did not find the right game, but it's one of the things I always think.

"It did not feel for this game of course, but certainly for fair play in the future - with the right questions, it could be fantastic.

"But for GTA V, what is organic happens, it's the characters that show that someone wanted to think about was. "

That's all we know about Grand Theft Auto 6 yet, but check back here regularly updated on the latest news and rumors GTA. 6



GTA 6 News
GTA 6 NEWS: 6 Release Date GTA - Grand Theft Auto 6 when? - The Sun
6 Release Date GTA - Grand Theft Auto 6 when? - The Sun
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