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GTA 6 City Weekly Foreign Affairs: Toronto - GTA 5 Cheats (blog)

While GTA 6 City Week is a place of States - the United States and as a possible configuration of the new version of the franchise of the ...

While GTA 6 City Week is a place of States - the United States and as a possible configuration of the new version of the franchise of the popular action and adventure in an open world Rockstar Games every week, which evaluated foreign city the week as the name suggests, goes - across borders.


After a long stay in Europe, we jump to the City Foreign Affairs of the week almost as close to home in North America, back to how it will ever get - about 100 km from the US border by car. Braving the cold, we jumped into the friendly neighbors in the northern United States, which happens to be the original home of GTA 5 stars Trevor Philips.



Well, I will not lie. Part of the reason I chose Toronto because every time you are looking to the Web for various bits of new "GTA", things striking that occurred in the G rand T Oronto A rea. We covered a story in which a car smuggling GTA-esque ring was arrested in Toronto. In other words, spit, if the search engines separate messages on Grand Theft Auto and GTA looking and why not combine the two?

Also, you know, actually GTA GTA seems an ideal scenario (I'll stop now). That the suffering of Canada or Australia syndrome sufferers Canada syndrome and never can tell, both when countries whose capitals are often mixed by the public. While most people mistakenly think Sydney is the capital of Australia, Canada is even worse because many cities are often called the capital cites.

In fact, things are so bad that the people can not understand. Trivia Time: While studying abroad, three of my classmates to discuss Canadians what city is the capital, no one said the three Ottawa, which is actually the capital is. Anyway, Toronto is often called as the capital, and while it is the largest and most populous city in Canada, the seat of government is not.


Toronto is the fourth largest city in the entire continent of North America city, and not the capital, is the heart and center of culture, finance, politics, science and almost all other influential cities such as in Canada described. That is, it should be noted that, as a driver for the video game industry, Canada, in the "heart and hub" for video game development center around Montreal and Quebec.

Toronto is as announced, among other things, one of the most multicultural cities in the world, in more than half of the population is composed of foreigners. Apart from these 2.6 million permanent residents, about 25 million tourists every year visit Toronto. Among the most famous attractions of the CN Tower is - but more in the recognition section.

Toronto _-_-_ _ in cn_tower_bei_nacht2

Toronto is known to be the largest media market in the country is spread out from the center of most networks. It is also the financial capital of the country with a high concentration of banks and investment firms. seventh largest market in the world works in Toronto, and the city is also home to what is known as the "Big Five", including the five largest countries of the financial companies.

Economy of the city is also highlighted in the column of production and distribution. Its strategic location along the Quebec City-Windsor corridor are an essential link in the load chain over the length of the biggest economic super region of the nation. It is the port also an important trade route of access to the rest of Canada. While kept right usually outside of Toronto, always falls under the umbrella of the Greater Toronto Area.

Due to the massive influx of tourists, the hospitality and of course tourism are the two main industries as well. In particular, Toronto is home to two of the four seasons and Fairmont hotel chain. Part of the attraction of Toronto to present numerous renowned museums, is in the city, including the Royal Ontario Museum, the most visited in Canada.


Geographically Toronto is just perfect. Well, okay, almost perfect because it is not a standard island. However, the location is ideal. The piece of land surrounded by lakes of different sizes of his life, so it would not be too much of a stretch, and other geographic factors to fall an island. The landscape is varied, there are other nearby settlements, would make great secondary locations and Niagara Falls. Seriously. If. They fall.


Of course, our personalized card could benefit from section more land southwestern added, perhaps all the way for a configuration of two city of Detroit, but it works well when Toronto selected as the only major city in the game. The layer of earth in the north, the bay in the south and the city achieve geographic differences in interest.

The Toronto area is also known for its natural beauty, which contributes to the angle of tourism. Although some tourists come to it instead of the field is not necessarily to explore the city, most of them live in the city limits during your vacation. Toronto also offers sports tourism, because the hockey games organized in the city.


While the geography of Toronto collect enough points, the city, the majority of them to lose in this category. Toronto is known for being on the continent one of the safest cities, with a rate that is much lower than most cities in the United States of manslaughter. Based on the latest statistics, the murder rate is about 3.3 per 100,000 population, the significantly weaker, but still among the highest in Canada. This said, dropping some US cities at this number, let alone that we in this article.


While the murder rate is very low and the air fares are also lower than the average US in terms of car theft, an important aspect of GTA, Toronto hits actually the American center with a high number of these flights. This should be no surprise, after we covered I mentioned earlier in this article the story.

Gang activity is low, since a lot of drugs and weapons smuggling ongoing in the Greater Toronto Area. Illegal immigration is usually not a problem, so that no human trafficking speak. No crime syndicates are believed to have taken on foot in Toronto, which is rather the power of the city. Gun violence is also very low compared to the United States ..


Toronto has a fairly iconic skyscraper with several recognizable horizon but that really in North America's tallest building out, the symbol of the city and one of the most influential tourist attractions, the CN tower.


Beyond the iconic radio tower, Toronto is home to a number of other attractions and notable buildings such as the above-mentioned Royal Ontario Museum, Hockey Hall of Fame, the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Brookfield Place, Hotels City and Prince Edward Viaduct.

Increase the high number of tourists visiting clear recognition score of the city, as well as the fact that it is often confused with the capital. Although not a part of Toronto or the GTA, which is known around Niagara Falls that appear in our version of the personalized card worldwide and easily recognizable.

potential History

Due to the low level of crime in Toronto, the city lends itself history to a configuration in which the player character to send is a member of an organized crime syndicate or another in another city the star version Toronto GTA shop set up and to operate an untapped market for other illegal goods.


We explored similar ideas in previous articles, where, as the player progresses the environment at the beginning of the game, like its counterpart, if also look to real life in history and expands the influence of organized crime, the general state of the city more and more random acts of crime to deteriorate.

Another possible story in another city, would start for the duration of the prologue, maybe even a established in GTA. They say that two unions fight in Liberty City, and the head from one side to sabotage the peace talks, killing them as an opportunity with senior members of another. Then he flees Toronto to find known security in a city, for the safety and the lack of organized crime syndicates hope. The other band sends a member to the opposition leaders to assassinate him.


This course is the protagonist of the killer but, when they arrive in Toronto, the goal had been hidden and set up a rudimentary network. The player would play into the hands of fledgeling local unions, help them to grow and to gain a foothold in Toronto, while information about the target condition to end the call later.

final verdict


Advantages: geography, to realize the potential of the story.

Cons: Very, very low level of crime.

Unfortunately, while Toronto as well as a lot of things is likely, potential lack of truly successful crime as GTA stage. While other aspects are so strong, we believe that the low crime rate very big disadvantage is the city for the qualification of a solid B. No more, no less, to leave a single B.

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GTA 6 NEWS: GTA 6 City Weekly Foreign Affairs: Toronto - GTA 5 Cheats (blog)
GTA 6 City Weekly Foreign Affairs: Toronto - GTA 5 Cheats (blog)
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