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Here why not cancel Rockstar GTA 6: Games: iTech Post - iTech

6 GTA have waited a title fans Rockstar solve. (SkaryN / YouTube) 6 GTA is certainly one of the most anticipated titles from Rocksta...

6 GTA have waited a title fans Rockstar solve.

6 GTA have waited a title fans Rockstar solve.
(SkaryN / YouTube)

6 GTA is certainly one of the most anticipated titles from Rockstar Games. Given the success of the entire franchise, it is understandable that the community to comment on another delivery. And of course, the study can also share the same feeling. However, there are discussions about a possible cancellation or something. Well, here's why fans should sit, and think that this will actually happen.


As already reported here iTech Post , 6 GTA were probably delayed to an exclusive agreement possible between Rockstar and Microsoft. In fact, there are also those who believe that the game companies paying the most attention in the fifth episode instead believe. The final reason is particularly justified, given the success of the last track of the high market.

Why break Rockstar GTA 6 Why is absurd to think that the study effectively continue?

Primarily should 6 GTA fans note that Take-Two Interactive GTA provides support and leverage online (at least 2020), as reported GTA 5 Cheats . And very true, it happens. The imminent arrival of the DLC motorcyclist is living proof of it.

And what is the connection between 6 and GTA DLC mentioned? Well, it is basically a testimony that the company is ready to use applications and / or public opinion. Remember that the fans have been waiting for such content. What the new tranche, of course, the municipality has been taken since for them to complete. Apparently heard the study.

In fact, there is more evidence for why GTA 6 arrives. Note that Rockstar crop sales by revenue due to its latest rating. The latest report shows that the sale of the company, at least the barrier has exceeded shipped 65 million copies. Heck, even digital distribution is only exceptionally. The point here is that the developers have the means to pursue another title Grand Theft Auto.

The idea is to understand the success of a title on the market. For example, the title A has been released, and there are already at least a year or two. If it proves to be a success, then there is a possibility of a franchise. Well, GTA 6 moves, the franchise that already belong to the holder of record (five titles explain everything). If proven guilty, the entire Grand Theft Auto would - Series not have a fifth installment.

So yes, GTA will happen 6 - no doubt. And even the community will agree with. But for now, it remains a mystery. Also, why Rockstar Rush things, right? You reap efforts with GTA 5, so it is plausible that they will continue to support them.


What are your thoughts on GTA 6 faith - also that it will happen sooner or later? We share your thoughts in the comments!

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GTA 6 NEWS: Here why not cancel Rockstar GTA 6: Games: iTech Post - iTech
Here why not cancel Rockstar GTA 6: Games: iTech Post - iTech
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